출처 : http://www.cacti.net/downloads/docs/html/cli_add_graph_template.html
It is recommended to maintain graph template associations by maintaining host templates. Each time, a graph template is added to a host template, it will automatically associated with all hosts related to that very host template.
Nevertheless, it is sometimes suitable to manually associate a certain graph template with a single host only without changing any host template. This is, where the script add_graph_template.php comes in. First, let's have a look at the whole list of features it provides. Calling the script with the parameter --help yields
shell>php -q add_graph_template.php --help
Add Graph Template Script 1.0, Copyright 2004-2013 - The Cacti Group
A simple command line utility to associate a graph template with a host in Cacti
usage: add_graph_template.php --host-id=[ID] --graph-template-id=[ID]
--host-id the numerical ID of the host
--graph_template-id the numerical ID of the graph template to be added
List Options:
--quiet - batch mode value return
Let's first stick to the listing options
shell>php -q add_graph_template.php --list-hosts
Known Hosts: (id, hostname, template, description)
1 8 Localhost
11 router 3 router.mydomain.com
shell>php -q add_graph_template.php --list-graph-templates
Known Graph Templates:(id, name)
2 Interface - Traffic (bits/sec)
3 ucd/net - Available Disk Space
4 ucd/net - CPU Usage
5 Karlnet - Wireless Levels
6 Karlnet - Wireless Transmissions
7 Unix - Ping Latency
8 Unix - Processes
9 Unix - Load Average
10 Unix - Logged in Users
11 ucd/net - Load Average
shell>php -q add_graph_template.php --host-id=11 --graph-template-id=7
Success: Graph Template associated for host: (11: router) - graph-template: (7: Unix - Ping Latency)